
What is this page?

Unfortunately, for the past five years,Cliax Games has been the victim of many forms of harassment. People mock our games, send us mean messages and spread nasty rumors. As a result there is an enormous amount of misinformation regarding Cliax Games, our games and our team members found on the internet, whether in the form of discussions, jokes or memes. On this page we will discuss and debunk that misinformation.

Why is this important?

One simple reason – it’s important that we debunk this misinformation in a clear, easy-to-understand way so that these malicious rumors will not negatively impact the reputation of our company. It could impact our relations with other developers and publishers going forward in the future.

Regarding our team

The bald/Italian jokes

We would like to state on the record that DJ Coco, contrary to popular belief, is neither bald nor Italian. His hairline is simply receding like many other men his age. He was also born and raised in Austria, and according to genealogy research, his heritage does not contain a single drop of Italian blood.

The Brazilian jokes

Vertette, however, is in fact Brazilian, a fact he is deeply ashamed of. Please do not bully him about it, as he can not help it.

The gay jokes

DJ Coco and Vertette are neither gay nor a gay couple with each other. While the origin behind this rumor is understandable, as they act showcase very intimate and sometimes even homoerotic behavior in public, any such behavior is simply done for the sake of humor. Not that there’s anything wrong with being gay, of course, but they aren’t.

Regarding our games

The inspiration

Our games are, and forever will be, 100% original, from now until the end of the universe, and have not been inspired by any other video games available now, in the past or in the future. We have never played, but respectfully acknowledge the existence of, the following trademarked video game franchises: F-Zero, Super Monkey Ball, Trackmania, Super Mario Bros. and Mr. Gimmick.